H2608 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


02608Chananyah {khan-an-yaw'}和Chananyahuw {khan-an-yaw'-hoo} 源自02603和03050;;阳性专有名词 钦定本-Hananiah 29;29 哈拿尼雅="神已眷顾"

1)但以理的一位虔诚的朋友,被尼布甲尼撒王改名为沙得拉.因尼布甲尼撒王 为他们准备的酒食饭菜违反神对犹太人所立的饮食规定时,为免遭染不洁, 他是和但以理一同拒用王的饮食的三人之一.也是因拒绝对尼布甲尼撒王的 雕像下拜而被丢入烈焰火炉的三人之一.这三人却在火炉中被神的天使护佑. 参见'沙得拉'(07714或07715)
6)伊利雅的祖父,便雅悯门的守门官,以其叛投于迦勒底人的罪名逮捕了耶利米 (耶37:13)
8)所罗巴伯的儿子,在路加提到耶稣的家谱时也称他作'约亚拿' (代上3:19;路3:27)
10)尼希米时代的一位祭司,负责制作祭祀用的油膏与香料.他参与了重建耶路 撒冷城墙的工作(尼3:8)
12)尼希米时代负责耶路撒冷王宫管理的官员,他和尼希米的兄弟哈拿尼被指派 管及负责城门的守卫.(尼7:2)

02608Chananyah {khan-an-yaw'}or Chananyahuw {khan-an-yaw'-hoo} from 02603and 03050;;n pr m AV-Hananiah 29;29 Hananiah ="God has favoured"

1)the godly friend of Daniel whom Nebuchadnezzar renamed Shadrach; one of the three friends who with Daniel refused to make themselves unclean by eating food from the king's table which went against the dietary laws which God had given the Jews;also one of the three who were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to bow down to a graven image of Nebuchadnezzar and who were saved by the angel of the Lord.See also,'Shadrach'(07714or 07715)
2)one of the 14sons of Heman and chief of the 16th course
3)a general in the army of King Uzziah
4)father of Zedekiah in the time of Jehoiakim
5)son of Azur,a Benjamite of Gibeon and a false prophet in the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah
6)grandfather of Irijah,the captain of the ward at the gate of Benjamin who arrested Jeremiah on the charge of deserting to the Chaldeans
7)a head of a Benjamite house
8)son of Zerubbabel from whom Christ derived His descent also called 'Joanna'by Luke
9)one of the sons of Bebai who returned with Ezra from Babylon
10)a priest,one of the makers of the sacred ointments and incense, who built a portion of the wall of Jerusalem in the days of Nehemiah
11)head of the priestly course of Jeremiah in the days of Joiakim
12)ruler of the palace at Jerusalem under Nehemiah and also,along with Hanani,the Tirshatha's brother,entrusted with the arrangements of guarding the gates of Jerusalem
13)Two post exilic Israelites