G3065 G1


3065Loukas {loo-kas'} 沿用拉丁文Lucanus;;阳性专有名词 AV-Luke 2,Lucas 2;4 路加="发光者"

1)一位外邦人基督徒,和保罗一同传福音的人,也在保罗的多次旅程中与其同行;他是一位医生和 新约中路加福音及使徒行传的作者

3065Loukas {loo-kas'} contracted from Latin Lucanus;;n pr m AV-Luke 2,Lucas 2;4 Luke or Lucus ="light-giving"

1)a Gentile Christian,the companion of Paul in preaching the gospel and on his many journeys;he was a physician and author of the book of Luke and Acts in the NT